XP Mobile Laser Tag, Phone:
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Business Name: XP Mobile Laser Tag
Contact Person:
Title: Laser tag los angeles
Gender: -
Pomona, CA 91767
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Web Address: https://www.xpmobilelasertag.com/
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Industrial Classification: Gaming Zone
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About: Bring your video games to life with laser tag. We bring mobile laser tag equipment to your party or event. We cater to all sorts of events like family reunions, church gatherings, post prom parties, graduation parties, festivals and just about anything you can think of. Upon arrival we set up the laser taggers and playing field. We offer team based games such as team deathmatch, Free for all, infection, protect the VIP and various other game modes. The equipment that we carry is commercial grade and top of the line in the laser tag business. You will battle in small skirmishes of about 5-10 minutes long. You get more value from hiring our mobile service compared to going to a laser tag center. We can accommodate up to 16 players at once. .

Specialties: Laser tag games.

XP Mobile Laser Tag is located at Pomona, CA 91767. Please call to verify the address before visit.

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The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of XP Mobile Laser Tag is Gaming Zone. The fax number is . The web address is https://www.xpmobilelasertag.com/. Please click the Correct Listing link to update the contact information(contact person, phone number, fax, email address and web address, etc).
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